WIN Pubtalk: Innovations in Metals Manufacturing and More!

Did you know that we’re fabricating aerospace components for both aviation and space applications here in the Willamette Valley?   Come join our evening networking and panel session to learn about the cutting edge innovations in metal manufacturing going on here in the valley. Our panel includes companies leading the metals manufacturing space including Stack Metallurgical, ATI Metals, and more! You’ll get a glimpse into this high tech industry and see where that technology is enabling in the future.    

Flinn Block Hall
222 W 1st Ave Albany, OR (Map)

Did you know that we’re fabricating aerospace components for both aviation and space applications here in the Willamette Valley?


Come join our evening networking and panel session to learn about the cutting edge innovations in metal manufacturing going on here in the valley. Our panel includes companies leading the metals manufacturing space including Stack Metallurgical, ATI Metals, and more! You’ll get a glimpse into this high tech industry and see where that technology is enabling in the future.